Page 5 - The Genius Wave BOOK James Rivers PDF Free Download
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Than Adults?
But what about us adults?
How many of us still have access to our God-given creative genius, which could allow
us to transform our finances, our health, our relationships right now?
Brace yourself for this one:
Given the same test, less than 2% of adults still had
access to this superbrain power..
That means as a kid, But there’s only a
there was a 98% 2% chance you still
chance you had this have it today as an
superbrain.. adult..
Stanford Neuroscientist:
Meet The Crook That Took
Your God-Given Brain Power
(it’s not what you think)...
As a scientist with training from both MIT and
Stanford, I had to know what robbed us of this
genius power that was once yours?
People might tell you the “the school system” and there’s truth to that but..
It dawned on me, if I could discover what’s really going on at the
neural level, then maybe we could rev up that brain power in you?
And I have good news: It turns out that we can.
Because this brain power isn’t about remembering facts from a textbook..